On the evening of Saturday 19 October, Fr Cameroni, at the oratory of Tirano, presented holiness in the Salesian Family, highlighting how the Salesian charism was embodied over time in a plurality and variety of forms in the context of the holiness of the Church and as a response to the sole call to holiness.
On Sunday 20 October, at the parish church of Vervio, the birthplace of Fr Quadrio, a solemn Eucharistic celebration was held presided over by Fr Marek Charzan, Director of the theological studentate of Turin-Crocetta, where Fr Quadrio lived his mission as a teacher and formator. In his homily, Fr Ferdinando Bergamelli - who was a pupil of Fr Quadrio and who accompanied him in the last days of his life - inspired by the Word of God, presented Fr Quadrio as a teacher and witness of prayer, spiritual guide and friend of the young sent to the priesthood. At the beginning of the new year of study at the Gregorian University of Rome on 12 October 1947, the last of the resolutions formulated by the young priest said: "(I will be) glowing in prayer, in intimacy with God."
There was also a remembrance of Fr Remo Bracchi, recently deceased, a great lover of Salesian sanctity, in particular, a curator and popularizer of the writings of Venerable Fr Giuseppe Quadrio and of the Letters of the Servant of God Fr Carlo Braga, also originating from Valtellina.
The video of the intervention of Fr Cameroni in Tirano is available on YouTube.