Vatican - "God is the center of our mission": Monsignor Alberto Lorenzelli on his new mission in Santiago de Chile


(ANS - Vatican City) - On May 22, Mons. Alberto Riccardo Lorenzelli Rossi, a Salesian, who had previously been Director of the Salesian Community in the Vatican and chaplain of the Directorate of Security and Civil Protection Services of the Vatican City State, was appointed auxiliary bishop of Santiago de Chile. Today, 19 July, he will leave for Chile to begin his work as bishop and will do so "with serenity and in the hands of God". In a long interview with the Salesian Community of the Vatican, Monsignor Lorenzelli answered questions by ANS reporter Gian Francesco Romano.


You will soon begin your pastoral work as auxiliary bishop of Santiago de Chile. Can you tell us what were the decisive moments of your appointment?

It is a designation that took me by surprise. I was called by the Congregation for Bishops and they gave me the nomination. They didn't ask me if I agreed or if I had to think about it. It was a given fact. In the afternoon I received the call of the Holy Father who told me: "I'll wait for you in my office to talk."

How was the first meeting with the Holy Father?

His welcome was significant, his humanity profound and his paternity sincere. There was a lot of resistance within me and I made the Holy Father aware of the difficulties in accepting the appointment. He listened to me and told me: "Accepting this appointment, today, is irresponsible. If they had proposed it to me, I don't know if I would have accepted it." At that moment I felt encouraged and thought that the Pope understood my motivations, but then he told me: "I ask you to accept this choice as an irresponsible person and do it not for me, but for the Church." With these words, my personal motivations collapsed.

The Church in Chile is experiencing a delicate moment. What are the characteristics that a Bishop must have to regain the trust of the people?

My first mission is to collaborate and support the work of the current Apostolic Administrator. It is true that a climate of institutional mistrust has been created, but I strongly believe in the religiosity of the Chilean people and in the Church of Santiago. People trust God. Chile's Church is of the people, but profound. I believe we must live a faith together with people, so that my faith will be credible and authentic. We must walk with them. And, on the other hand, I believe we must take on a great responsibility above all as an institutional church. We must respond to the pain and cry of so many victims who have suffered the damage of the abuse of conscience, power, sexual abuse and walk with them. See them as brothers and sisters who have suffered and give them a profound answer.

How will you live your mission as a Salesian?

By doing what Don Bosco asked us: God is at the center of our mission. And certainly, by living the Preventive System which is a system that prevents evil and offers hope.

The full interview is available on ANSChannel.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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