Fr Daniel García, from the Youth Ministry Dicastery, expressed his gratitude as the person responsible for this event, for the participation of Salesians and lay people who came to participate in this meeting. "We are a total of 30 people from different regions of the Congregation: Africa-Madagascar, Asia East-Oceania, South Asia, Interamerica, America South Cone, Central and Northern Europe and Mediterranean. We are united by a single goal, by a single vision: our young people at risk. What we want to reflect on in these three days are three questions: what are the main challenges they encounter and what are the Salesian answers? What are the future challenges? And finally: what are the processes we must undertake and prophetically activate to respond to these future challenges in Salesian social works and services?"
Fr Attard expressed his joy "for the work of the Salesians and the Laity who work to redeem thousands and thousands of young people who live along the streets and in the squares." Then he explained: "It is an important moment to deepen the commitment that the Congregation has in this field, especially to deepen how we can get to know each other and learn about the experiences and learn from everything we are doing in favor of young people. Moreover, in this meeting we want to give the Congregation the guidelines and offer the experiences that we are doing, in the name of the Salesian charism, at the service of the young people that the Lord has given us.”
For his part, Fr García also added that "all the participants in the world are people who work directly in centers and services in favor of vulnerable young people, with problems and difficulties, young people at risk who travel the roads of the world. We wish that the conclusions of this meeting can be a valid contribution to the next General Chapter 28 of the Congregation. And we sincerely hope that this meeting will serve to present the challenges, opportunities and processes that we must activate in our works and in the services of our Provinces and in every presence where there is a Salesian or a lay person with the heart of Don Bosco."