Spain - "Salesianos Cruces" receives Basque Award for Advanced Management

21 December 2018

(ANS - Bilbao) - Last December 12, at the "Palacio Euskalduna" in Bilbao, the Salesian House called "Salesianos Cruces", of Barakaldo, was awarded the Basque Award for Advanced Management, in the "Silver A" category. The award aims to acknowledge the most advanced organizations in their management practices and who seek a fair and balanced satisfaction of all the parties involved in their work: users, workers, supporters and financiers and companies in general.

As recognized by the Euskalit Evaluation Club: "Salesianos Cruces is an educational center that responds, according to a vision of Christian humanism: to the competent and innovative formation of its students; which takes into account the reasonable expectations of parents; and that, with a team of people qualified in their abilities and enthusiasm for the educational project of the center and with sufficient material resources, it contributes to fostering coexistence and the construction of the social environment in the Cruces area."

This organization uses the Advanced Management Model as a reference to evaluate and improve its management system, and has earned this award after receiving an external evaluation by the members of the EUSKALIT Evaluation Club.

The Basque Award for Advanced Management was created to promote and spread the importance of Advanced Management as a key element of competitiveness among the organizations of the autonomous community of the Basque Country.

These acknowledgements of the Basque government are obtained from those companies, training centers, health centers and other organizations of the autonomous community that demonstrate a certain level of development or progress in their management practices. EUSKALIT is the body responsible for administering these awards.

The purpose of these awards is twofold: a) to identify the most advanced organizations in management, to serve as a stimulus and reference to other institutions; b) publicly acknowledge the efforts made by these organizations and the degree of progress in their management that they have achieved.

Obtaining these awards presupposes the demonstration by the said organization that it has indeed achieved a certain degree of development of its management and service system as an institution.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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