“It’s an honor to be selected for GreatNonprofits 2018 Top-Rated list because it comes directly from the stories shared by our donors and volunteers,” says Father Mark Hyde, director of Salesian Missions. “Our work would not be possible without the millions of American donors, from both the public and private sector, that help make Salesian programs possible.”
Salesian Missions has a distinguished history and highly-regarded worldwide reputation for effective programs and services that give children, families and communities a fighting chance to conquer poverty, despair and suffering. Salesian-run programs serve poor youth and families in more than 132 countries around the globe and assist poor youth through education (academic, trade, agriculture) and workforce development initiatives, emergency relief and humanitarian aid, infrastructure support, clean water initiatives, and nutritional and health services.
Salesian programs focus on rebuilding lives and helping young people become self-sufficient. But Salesian missionaries know that in order for students to focus on school, they must have their basic needs of shelter, clothing, nutrition and health, and clean water and sanitation met.
Living and working within the communities they serve, Salesian missionaries are able to tailor programs specially to meet the local need. This also perfectly positions them to understand the local needs better than outside groups and respond quickly in times of crisis including natural disasters, war and humanitarian emergencies.
To date, more than 3 million youth have received services funded by Salesian Missions, and more than 6 million Americans, in the both the public and private sector, have helped make these programs possible through their generous donations (85 percent of all donations go directly to programs that help those most in need).
To learn more, visit SalesianMissions.org and Greatnonprofits.org.