RMG - II edition of School for Provincial Delegates of Salesian Youth Ministry

03 August 2018

(ANS - Rome) - Three years after the first edition, the Salesian Youth Ministry Dicastery returns to propose a second edition of the School for Youth Ministry Delegates from 6 to 18 May 2019. The School is addressed to all those Salesians who have been recently nominated Provincial Delegates for Salesian Youth Ministry. Those Salesians who are preparing to take on this responsibility in the future may also participate.

In the first edition, (Rome, May 2016), circa 50 Salesians from over 40 countries participated. This second edition also aims to be an expression of the School's international scope. The official working languages are English, Italian and Spanish. Simultaneous translation will be available and materials available in the three official languages.

The novelty, however, is that the next edition of the School will be held at Colle Don Bosco and Valdocco. During the first week the participants shall be guests of Colle Don Bosco with several sessions held directly in the Salesian Places. The second and last week of work, instead, will be held in Valdocco. Here too the participants will have the opportunity to discuss the story of Don Bosco and the Salesian responses to the challenges of today.

The School aims to promote an in-depth view and study of the fundamental elements of Salesian heritage; provide adequate formation and foster key skills for the animation, management and coordination of the Provincial Youth Ministry; and, finally, to encourage the personal growth of the Delegate, through reflection on one's own experience, internalization and personal re-elaboration of one's own motivations.

The methodology of the work will reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the School, alternating conferences, discussion, debates, group work, personal study, moments of culture and spirituality. The modular organization will include moments dedicated to the synthesis of theoretical knowledge, in-depth analysis starting from practical experience and focus on know-how. Some modules will also be dedicated to the care of the lifestyle and personal behaviour of the Provincial Delegate for Salesian Youth Ministry. At the end of each day, each participant will be offered time to write a personal "portfolio".

The number of participants is limited to best ensure the effectiveness of the School, according to the methodology experimented in the first edition. It is therefore necessary to register as soon as possible to ensure participation.

For more information, please contact the contacts indicated in the official poster.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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