Italy – Don Bosco Crocetta Basketball celebrates its 70 Years

26 June 2018

Turin, Italy - June 2018 – On June 16, the past, present and future of basketball at the Oratory of the Crocetta met in Via Piazzi to celebrate their first 70 years of activity. After the children's mini-basket games, there was a parade of all the current young "crocettine" teams. The celebrations then moved from PalaBallin, the sports stadium, to the Oratory Theater, the event presented by the twins Giorgio and Paolo Viberti, both established journalists and former basketball players of Don Bosco Crocetta. The President of the Coni, the Italian sports governing body, Giovanni Malagò, sent a message of good wishes, as did the President of the Italian Basketball Federation, Gianni Petrucci in a video wherein he traced and praised the long path of the Salesian “Crocettini”. Also present were the Piedmont Region President, Sergio Chiamparino, and the Regional Councilor for Sport, Giovanni Maria Ferraris, who consigned a plaque to the President of Crocetta, Roberto Romagnoli, as a sign of gratitude for the work carried out with and for young people in all these years.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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