In recent weeks, in collaboration with Caritas, tons of non-perishable food and hygiene products have been collected in many Salesian houses through schools, youth ministry centers and parishes.
The "Kilo Solidario" was promoted right across the country, from the "Spain-Mary Help of Christians" to "Spain-Saint James Major" Provinces. "Open the door of solidarity" was, for example, the motto of the Salesian house in Cadiz for the collection of over 8,000 kilos of food; while "sowers of stars" were chosen by the Youth Center "Puertobosco" for the collection of goods in favor of the neediest families in Puertollano.
Also worthy of mention is the "Food for Africa" campaign, in favor of Sierra Leone, which collected 8,000 kilos of foodstuffs in the homes of Deusto, Logroño, Pamplona, Azkoitia, Donostia, Rentería.
In the Salesian centers of Andalusia and Extremadura, the "Potito Solidario" campaign was carried out, aimed mainly at the collection of products for children, especially for newborns and babies.
From the Platforms of Social Education (PES) of Sant Boi, Martí-Codolar and Mataró a "patronage" initiative was launched towards those children who, due to the economic situation of their families, would not otherwise have received gifts for "the Feast of Kings", on the day of the Epiphany.
There was also space for art, with projects carried out in the youth centers of Castile and León: thanks to four festivals held in León, Valladolid, Villamuriel and Zamora, the young people were able to express their commitment to a better world in an artistic way and to organize a food tasting of fair trade products to raise people's awareness towards poverty and inequality.
Other examples of solidarity initiatives carried out in Spain's Salesian realities for Christmas were the solidarity week of Huesca or the beneficial sonata of "zambomba" in Huelva, organized by the Salesian Youth Center "Carabela" for the benefit of Banco Alimentare, the food bank.