“Education is therefore a fundamental element for their prevention and suppression, and is also a more specific and original contribution which we, as Salesians, can provide.” (Fr. Juan Vecchi, ACG 359, New Poverty, Salesian mission and significance). Following these words of D. Vecchi, Don Bosco International shares the many best practices that Salesian organizations and Provinces are doing to reduce poverty among young people and tries to advocate with other NGOs, especially as children and young people are the most affected by poverty in Europe. For this reason, a group of experts from Salesian organizations in Europe, coordinated by DBI, has proposed the following policy paper.
In line with this paper, today we will be taking part in several events of the European Parliament organized by the Intergroup on Extreme Poverty and different NGOs to discuss the EU initiatives to reduce poverty and inequalities as the European Pillar of Social Rights.
According to European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN): “The European Pillar of Social Rights must be implemented with good participative governance including civil society and those who are most affected by the current lack of social rights. It must be backed by adequate financing, enabling governments to invest in adequate social protection systems, quality services and jobs and a stop to austerity cuts. Above all, it must lead to concrete positive improvements in the real lives of people experiencing poverty across the EU!”
“Social exclusion is to be understood in the broader sense, which goes beyond the mere economic meaning usually intended by the traditional concept of poverty. It also refers to limited access to education, culture, housing, work, lack of recognition and achievement of human dignity, and the fact that they are often barred from exercising real citizenship. We believe the most effective form of response to this difficulty would be preventive action in its many forms.” (Frame of Reference).
Therefore, as Don Bosco International, we will continue working tirelessly in the Institutions to push for more political measures to prevent young people falling into poverty and social exclusion.