Angola - Fr Gabriel Romero: "These lands have received many Salesians and young people"

(ANS - Luanda) - Angola is a country with a notable and renowned Salesian presence. Many Salesians who have worked in various parts of this great country have come from many parts of the world. Fr Gabriel Romero, Provincial of Northern Argentina (ARN), visited his Salesian missionary brothers in Angola. The memory of the Salesians and young people who have donated their lives, and those who continue to do so, eloquently testify to their dedication and generosity.

Angola - Fr Gabriel Romero: "These lands have received many Salesians and young people"

(ANS - Luanda) - Angola is a country with a notable and renowned Salesian presence. Many Salesians who have worked in various parts of this great country have come from many parts of the world. Fr Gabriel Romero, Provincial of Northern Argentina (ARN), visited his Salesian missionary brothers in Angola. The memory of the Salesians and young people who have donated their lives, and those who continue to do so, eloquently testify to their dedication and generosity.

How did the visit go?

I came to visit the Argentine Salesians who have been working in this beloved Province for over 20 years, a Province which has received many Salesians and young people from our region.

Who did you meet?

I was able to meet my confreres in the city of Luanda from the first day: with Màximo Herrera, Gastón Fontaine and José Sobrero, Fr Antonio Michelino and Fr Marcelo Madueña; with Fr Julio Barrientos at Cabinda, Andrés Randisi and Fr Roberto Musante in Calulo.

And what were your impressions?

These lands have received the smile and warmth of the missionary work of many young people from the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM), who have offered one or two years of their lives as volunteers. They worked in schools, visited villages, and were always very close to young Angolans, who cherish in their hearts the best memories of their passage. On this visit I was also able to meet Daiana Vergara, of the Parana MGS, who now serves in the Luena community, inside Angola, together with Fr Juan Hernández and Mgr. Jesús Tirso Blanco, bishop of Luena.

And how did a visit to the cemetery go?

I was able to visit the cemetery where Fr Agustín Pascualini is buried, near Dondo, and where Salesian Coadjutor Francisco Ottolini, who disappeared on the road to Calulo, lay. Let us thank God for the generous dedication of the sisters, brothers and young missionaries who are in Angola today, and those who have gone there to do good, such as the Salesian Coadjutors Bro Núncio Randisi and Bro Humberto Michelino.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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