Besides the Rector Major, the Sector Councilors and the Regional Councilor for North Central Europe, the meetings were also attended by the Provincials and Provincial Councils of ten Provinces: Poland-Warsaw (PLE), Poland-Piła (PLN), Poland-Wrocław (PLO), Poland-Cracow (PLS), Czech Republic (CEP), Croatia (CRO), Slovakia (SLK) Slovenia (SLO), Hungary (UNG) and the District of Ukraine (UKR).
The participants arrived at the Saint Adalbert Center at various times throughout the day, and were welcomed by Fr Béla Ábrahám, UNG Provincial, with other members of the Provincial Council.
The activities of the Team Visit began with the recitation of the Vespers led by the Provincial Vicar of the Province of “Saint Stephen” of Hungary (UNG), Fr Vitális Gábor after Fr Tadeusz Rozmus, Councilor for the Northern Europe Region, had officially welcomed the Rector Major and all participants.
In the evening a friendly and fraternal meeting took place to allow all participants to present themselves and to meet.
The activities continue today with the first Assembly sessions. Coordinating logistics with great dedication are Fr Flavio Depaula, Provincial Secretary, and Mr. Géza Nádudvari, Provincial Economer.
Due to the North Central Europe region's great linguistic and socio-cultural variety of countries, the Team Visit takes place in two distinct phases: in Spring, the phase of the German Atlantic Zone, Rome, 16-20 May; the East Sector has now just begun.
On ANSFlickr there are numerous photos.