Ten representatives from various parts of the continent were present: Sister Adair Sberga FMA, CIB delegate; Fr José Adão Rodrigues SDB, CISBRASIL Counselor; Sister Arelyz Paulino FMA, CIMAC delegate; Fr Hector Ugarte Sandoval SDB, MESOAMÉRICA delegate; Sister Elena Moragas FMA, CICSAL SEPSUR delegate; Fabian Roberto Otero, SEPSUR delegate; Sister Maria Teresa Camargo Atuesta FMA, CINAB delegate; Fr Marcelo Chávez SDB, ANDINA Area delegate; Andrés Felipe Loaiza SDB, Social Communication delegate, Medellin; Carlos Mario Virgen, Villa de Sales Director, Colombia; and the FMA's Youth Ministry Office via Sister Ivone Goulart Lopes. The Counselor for the Salesian Youth Ministry of the Salesians, Fr. René Antonio dos Santos, was unable to attend, but was with the group throughout the process, through notes and guidelines sent by electronic means.
The meeting took place in the Salesian "Nuestra Siñora de Guadalupe" Province, the FMA hosted in the "Colegio Civilización y Cultura" and in the headquarters of "Nuestra Siñora de Guadalupe" FMA Inspectorate. Work sessions took place in the "Colegio Renascimiento/Santa Julia" of the SDB Salesian University.
The official start took place in the Basilica of Guadalupe with the celebration of the Eucharist.
In the traditional “good night,” Sister Maria de Guadalupe Torres spoke to the group of the canonization process of Mother Antonieta Böhm, while the Provincial, Fr Gabino Gabriel Hernandez Paleta, greeted the group, presented the province and spoke of the importance and need to work together.