In his homily, the Archbishop praised the work of the Salesians especially in the field of Education; “Don Bosco founded a group of people to be alongside young people…... being with young people at every stage of their life…as our Gospel today [the Emmaus story] makes clear. This accompaniment of young people enabled Don Bosco to drew out of them the gifts that God gave them, so that they can be the people that God wants them to be…”
The gifts during the Offertory Procession were led by the Head Boy bringing the Shield of St Martin’s College, a distinct reminder of where the Salesians arrived 50 years ago; a photograph of the Student Chaplaincy carried by the Head Girl and a copy of the Salesian Constitutions.
The College choir, in their uniforms led the Congregation in the singing – and performed a number of pieces immediately after the Mass had finished, as the Archbishop blessed the refurbished College Chapel. A statue of Dominic Savio, a gift from the Province, was also blessed.
Under a splendid Marquee set up in the College Gym, a wonderful buffet was served to all of the guests.
In the afternoon, there were a number of speeches recording 50 years of Ministry and Education; the ex-MP of Bootle Joe Benton led the tributes, and there were contributions from SDBs including the Provincial (who had been Head Teacher for 10 years) and others in detailing many stories, contributions from staff and pupils and votes of thanks.
With thanks to all for a wonderful celebration, and an especial vote of thanks to the current Executive Head, Mrs Frances Harrison.