Venezuela – Meeting of Salesian parish priests: strengthening parish ministry
Caracas, Venezuela – November 2024 - The first meeting of parish priests, rectors of shrines and heads of Salesian evangelisation centres for the period 2024-2025 took place in an atmosphere of fraternity and collaboration. Held on 28 November, at the Provincial House, the event served to strengthen teamwork and update the knowledge of the participants on some key issues for parish ministry. During the meeting, the participants had the opportunity to share experiences, challenges and best practices in the implementation of the Parish Pastoral Project. Experts in different areas, such as canon law and administration, offered presentations and workshops to enrich the formation of participants. The topics addressed concerned Parish Government: book of government, register of sacraments, and archives, by Fr Daniel Ignacio Almeida, Chancellor of the Diocese of Petare; Marriage Law: acts of marriage, declarations of nullity and functioning of the ecclesiastical court, by Fr Fabián Padilla; Parish Administration: administrative functioning of parishes after the provincial reshaping. This first meeting served to lay the foundations for improving the activities that will allow Salesian parish priests to update themselves and work in a coordinated way in the evangelisation of their communities. The next meeting is scheduled for June 2025, where the progress made will be evaluated and new issues of interest for parish ministry will be addressed.