Argentina- Students from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Institute celebrate Ceferino Namuncurá's 138th birthday in Chimpay

04 September 2024

Chimpay, Argentina – August 2024 - On Monday 26 August, the day of Ceferino Namuncurá's 138th birthday, the Educational Community of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Luis Beltrán, went to Chimpay to participate in the celebrations. The students of the three educational centres went to the Ceferin Park to celebrate a different day where faith, friendship, nature and fraternal sharing were combined. The students' families joined in with the proposal and participated in the Mass celebrated by the Salesian Bishop of Viedma, Bishop Esteban Laxague, together with Fr Antonio Sánchez Lara, parish priest of Chimpay and other invited priests. After the mass, a lunch and a large cake were shared to celebrate Ceferino's birthday and followed by the games organized by the students of the 5th grade of the second grade secondary school and, for the youngest, by the teachers of the primary school. It was a different day in which the teachings of Don Bosco, the feelings of the original communities and the river that identifies and nourishes the people of the Rio Negro were combined.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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