Italy – Meeting of Salesian Prenovices from Europe

12 August 2024

Turin, Italy – August 2024 – On the evening of Wednesday, 7 August, all 27 Salesian prenovices from Salesian Provinces in Europe met in Valdocco, Turin to begin a formation course in three days time on Salesian places and to promote mutual knowledge on the eve of the beginning of their novitiate in September. The Salesian contributions were led by Fr Enrico Lupano, from the Colle Don Bosco community. The prenovices came from: Austria (1); North Africa Circumscription (1); Croatia (10); Piedmont and Valle d 'Aosta Special Circumscription (1); Italy-Lombard Emiliana (2); Northeast Italy (3); Poland-Warsaw (1); Poland-Piła (2); Slovakia (3); Slovenia (2); Greek-Catholic Ukraine (1). The young people who will enter the novitiate at Colle Don Bosco have experienced a 6-week Italian language course. As a further phase of this preparation for the novitiate, the involvement of the prenovices in the Salesian Youth Synod (11-16 August 2024) on the occasion of the Bicentennial of Don Bosco's Dream at Nine Years of Age is also included. The animation of these different periods was coordinated by Fr Guido Errico, from the Formation Sector.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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