Italy – “Relational, Personalized approach to Communication is a must for every Communicator” – affirms Fr Gildasio Mendes

05 August 2024

(ANS - Rome) - Sunday, 4 August 2024, the fourth day of the "Shaping Tomorrow" Worldwide Communication Conference, commenced with a special celebration of the Sunday Holy Eucharist.

The Mass was presided over by Fr Gildasio Mendes, the General Councillor for the Social Communication Sector of the Salesian Congregation. In his homily, Fr Gildasio emphasized that effective Christian communication must be rooted in the example of Jesus Christ.

He noted how Jesus "placed himself in the midst of the people, walks by the lake to find the fishermen, visits the villages to find the simple wpeople; he approaches, listens, creates a relationship because he is not afraid of the people and what is human." Fr Gildasio urged the conference attendees to emulate this relational, ipersonal approach to communication.

He also highlighted Jesus' skill in asking questions and creating space for honest dialogue. "The art of asking questions frees us from rigid positions and opens us to the freedom to seek the new, to be surprised by new things that we do not know," he said.

Finally, Fr Gildasio stressed that true Christian communication is about communion and building fraternal community, not self-centeredness. "The only key against the centrality of the ego is fraternity, our life given with generosity and commitment," he affirmed.

Following the mass, the participants set off on an enthusastic note to their day out, to go and explore the important places in Rome.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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