Ecuador – The Provincial Office of Communication has organised a webinar to encourage participation in the Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival

02 July 2024

(ANS) – A webinar on the production of short films was held on Thursday 25 June to encourage young people from the communities and works of the Salesian Sacred Heart of Jesus Province of Ecuador (ECU) to participate in the Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival (DBGYFF), the international youth film festival promoted by the Salesian Congregation. This event was attended by Cristina Naranjo, a professor at the Salesian Polytechnic University based in Quito, who has extensive experience in the production of audiovisual products.

During the webinar, the speaker provided some fundamental concepts on the three stages of development of a short film: pre-production, production and post-production, integrating them with practical advice on how to shape their ideas around the theme proposed for this year: "I Have a Dream - Youth and climate change - Making Mother Earth cleaner and greener".

The webinar saw a total of 40 connected participants from different sectors and areas of the ECU Province. Young people from the journalism clubs in Salesian School Centres (CES), the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) and students from the Communication course at the UPS in Quito were present.

At the end of the event, the ECU Communication Office team shared the necessary information on the categories and requirements that the products must have to participate in this edition of the DBGYFF.

To encourage the interest of young Salesians, the Province of Ecuador has decided to add its own recognition, awarding the three best short films made by its young people – short films that must be submitted by 31 July to participate in this competition that promotes creativity and art from a deeply Salesian perspective.

For young people interested in learning more about short film production, the full video of the webinar is available on the Salesians of Ecuador Facebook page and YouTube channel.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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