United States – "Genius Olympiad" in New York: bronze for the Salesian students of Bolzano thanks to "R.E.I.", Artificial Intelligence with a heart

21 June 2024

(ANS – New York) – The "Genius Olympiad", an international competition of excellence, was held at the Rochester Institute of Technology" in Henrietta, New York from 10 to 15 June. At the event, the "R.E.I." robot, which has been defined as "Artificial Intelligence with a heart" and was created by the Rainerum Robotics group – in honour of the Salesian institute they attended, the "Rainerum" in Bolzano – not only qualified for and entered the prestigious event, but won the bronze medal.

"R.E.I.", aka "Robotic Emphatic Intelligence" stands out as a humanoid robot capable of perceiving and communicating emotions through the integration of facial recognition technologies, neural networks and Artificial Intelligence and has allowed Augusto Martino, Arianna Marrone and Elia Vismara, with the collaboration of their companions Elisa Aricó, Maximilian Ilias and Noah Perli, to win third place in the prestigious international competition.

The young South Tyroleans, accompanied by Prof. Zeni, supported by charities, including the Sparkasse Foundation, flew on behalf of Italy to America.

"Artificial Intelligence and its use are now the new frontier in the field of innovation and the new real challenge. R.E.I. is an example of Artificial Intelligence used and mastered by students for a robotics project at the service of man." This is what the Dean, Prof. Stefano Monfalcon, communicated.

The Salesian "Rainerum" Institute, already for years engaged in research and at the forefront of innovation, has decided to fully take up the challenge of robotics and Artificial Intelligence and will increasingly measure itself, also in teaching, with new technologies, so that Artificial Intelligence, which is quietly entering our lives, can be used, known and mastered by students as a tool, thus highlighting the importance of its creator: man.

"We are really very proud of the fact that our dear students receive awards and confirm the potential and creativity of the South Tyrolean territory in the world. We are also grateful to the students who, with their passion and creativity, show us the way forward to always remain innovative and offer new answers to the needs of the time. Our youngsters, in a sense, are also our teachers", conclude Prof. Monfalcon and the Director, Fr. Ivan Ghidina.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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