On this occasion, the event chose to emulate a well-known Spanish television program in which several guests, from different places, show how they live their daily lives.
The Provincial of SMX, Fr Fernando Miranda, the Vice-Provincial, Fr José Luis Navarro, and the Delegate for Youth Ministry, Jordi Lleixà were some of the key players in this virtual meeting, hosted by the Delegation for Social Communication, in which the programming of the pastoral year 2024-2025 was launched for all settings and for the various groups of the Salesian Family, so that the local communities can plan activities for the coming months.
“This was where the dream began. Everything grew from that dream. In a current reading, from the first ‘Campobosco’, thousands of young people have dreamed of their lives, making them a reality", explained Fr Miranda during his opening aaddress, speaking from the Salesian Places in Italy.
In a family atmosphere, with many messages of thanks through live chat, the participants had the opportunity to visit the places of Don Bosco, to remember what they experienced during the pastoral year just ended, to review the various pastoral campaigns, to listen to the "voice of the young" or to make a small gesture of purposefulness by programming the dreams of the Salesians in SMX for the coming months.
Among the objectives of this meeting were the evaluation of the current year, the closing of the "A dream for you" campaign and the presentation of the new pastoral motto "We are future", which will be the guiding thread for the next twelve months for the Salesian Provinces in Spain.
As in previous years, the contents, motivations and coordinated image will be available on a website that will include all the material prepared for the occasion, at https://salesianos.info/somosfuturo and which will be presented on 24 June along with the first materials available.
After working in groups, where it was possible to discuss how to involve young people in the local reality, it was time for one final greeting: from Valdocco. “Being here is a gift. This is the dream that comes true and that has taken shape, the place where a large family originated, where many young people continue to pass through, where Mary Help of Christians continues to welcome us. It is the place where many dreams come true in many parts of the world. In our Province, with a multitude of houses and initiatives, we continue to make this dream alive with new people, with the young people of today and with the Salesian Family, and with the many people who have yet to come and whose faces and names we do not yet know, "the Provincial shared in his final address.
"Faced with Don Bosco, we can only thank him and continue to dream," he concluded.