Spain - Salesian Fr Emmanuel Lokossou has been awarded the 9th edition of the CEU Awards for Life

21 May 2024

Madrid, Spain – May 2024 – On 17 May Fr Emmanuel Lokossou from the Salesian community in Parla (Madrid), received the Prize of the 9th edition of the "Creativity in defence of the life of CEU university students" competition organised every year by the Institute of Family Studies of the University itself. The "CEU Awards in Defence of Life" aim to contribute to the debate and promotion of values related to respect and dignity of human life in all its phases. The award ceremony was presided over by Alfonso Bullón, president of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, together with the Rector of the CEU San Pablo University of Madrid, Rosa Visiedo Claverol. The award was then presented, which this year went to Fr Emmanuel Lokossou, a second-year student of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication. In his essay entitled "Care for the Elderly: Challenges, Inheritances and Future Prospects", Fr Lokossou argues that one should consider old age as an opportunity and not as an inevitability. The elderly have contributed a lot to society and, although they are no longer in the vital moment to carry out certain activities, they continue to be a source of wisdom and inspiration.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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