During the meeting, Fr Gildasio Mendes said "The networking that is occurring between South America and Inter-America is constantly growing. This is the result of a network vision with a great sense of collaboration, synergy and synodality. Each member of the team (Salesian Bulletin, radio, publishing houses or art sectors) works with a clear Salesian charismatic vision, of accompaniment, formation and action. Congratulations to Fr Ricardo Campoli, the coordinators and the Delegates for Communication of each Province for this very Salesian way of communicating."
Fr Gildasio Mendes also shared the relevant trends in the field of communication in view of the upcoming 29th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation, which will be held between February and April 2025 in Turin.
During the work, it emerged how networking among Provincial Delegates in America makes it possible to strengthen the Salesian charismatic identity, helping to make visible the good that the Church does through the Congregation in the sectors that each Province animates, and at the same time also offering a beautiful testimony of mission shared between Salesians and lay people.
Participants had the opportunity to present their projects, communication strategies and work. Vicente Fritz, Delegate for Social Communication in Chile, illustrated the Salesian Bulletin; Jocasta Pimentel, journalist and member of Radio FM Dom Bosco in Fortaleza, in the Province of Recife, Brazil (BRE), dealt with radio; Fr Juan José Chiappetti, Director of Ediciones Don Bosco Argentina and Executive Director of the Salesian Bulletin Argentina, spoke on the publishing houses and production centers; and Fr Pablo Abreu, Delegate for Social Communication in the Antilles Province and Coordinator of the Social Communication Team for the Americas (ECSA) on arts and culture.
The list of participants was completed by Br. Cristóbal Cáceres, SDB, Delegate for Social Communication in Paraguay; Fr João Carlos Rivero, Delegate for Social Communication for Recife, Brazil (BRE) and Fr Ricado Campoli, member of the Social Communications Sector of the Congregation, who accompanies this continental work team from Rome, on behalf of the General Councillor.