Colombia – Casa Bosconia: music beyond artistic expression, a powerful tool for personal and collective development

08 April 2024

Bogotá, Colombia – April 2024 - Casa Bosconia, with its symphonic program for young people, is not only training musicians but is shaping citizens who are aware, sensitive and committed to their environment. The example that took place in recent days, therefore, is a symphony of hope for Bogotá and an inspiring example of what music can achieve in society. The symphony, made up of young talented individuals from different backgrounds, is a clear example of inclusion and excellence. Every note that resonates in the Casa Bosconia is testimony to the dedication, effort and commitment not only of young musicians but also of teachers and people who, day after day, make this project possible. Music, in this case, goes beyond being a simple artistic expression, it becomes a powerful tool for personal and collective development, promoting values such as discipline, respect, cooperation and perseverance. Attending a symphony rehearsal means witnessing how music breaks down barriers and unites people, regardless of their origin or social status. It means seeing in action how children and adolescents gain power through music, gaining self-confidence and designing a future full of possibilities.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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