Argentina – Extraordinary Visitation to South Argentina: "A precious contribution to our educational and pastoral work"

22 February 2024

(ANS – Buenos Aires) – The Regional Councillor for America South cone, Fr Gabriel Romero, began his Extraordinary Visitation to the Ceferino Namuncurá Province of South Argentina (ARS) by participating in the first day of the February meeting of the Superior of ARS with his Provincial Council.

Then, from 6 to 8 February, at Hotel Cagliero in San Carlos de Bariloche, he joined a large group of Salesians of the Province for the 2024 Assembly of the confreres: days of grace and sharing in which the Salesians spent time together and reflected on the healthy and fraternal bonds of consecrated life. And where, at the same time, they experienced moments of prayer, the fulcrum of their religious vocation, as well as moments of relaxation and play. "We believe that this is an important reason to get to know each other better and therefore grow in mutual communion" several Salesians who took part testified about this experience.

Subsequently, the Regional Councillor began his visits: the first house to welcome him was  Junín de los Andes, on 9 and 10 February, where he met with the Animation, Management and Accompaniment Team (EAGA), with the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), with missionary volunteers Ayelén Aguila and Yanela Aravena and with the Salesians of the community. On the first of the two days, Fr Romero celebrated the Eucharist in the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snow and Laura Vicuña. He encouraged the community to continue to generously accompany the schools, the Salesian Youth Movement, the parish and missionary animation with visits to couples in the area.

"The Extraordinary Visitation carried out by the Regional Councillor on behalf of the Rector Major is a unique opportunity to learn about the situation of the Salesian mission in every place, and with it the Salesian communities. It was also a beautiful fraternal visit to our community. We are grateful for Fr Romero’s visit, for his valuable contribution and for his message of encouragement to our educational and pastoral work" said Fr Natalino Freitas, Rector of the Salesian house at Junín de los Andes.

In the following days Fr Romero continued his visits to communities in ARS by going to the work at Chos Malal, and stopping there from 11 to 13 February. In addition to visiting the Salesian religious community, he also met the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in the city, the first missionary presence in the north of the Province of Neuquén.

There, in the mission parish of Mary Help of Christians at Chos Malal, the first capital of the province of Neuquén, the 135th anniversary of the Salesian missionary presence is being celebrated.

And then, from  14 to 16 February, the Regional Councillor for America South Cone visited the Salesian house in Zapala. There he concelebrated the Ash Wednesday Mass, met the Salesian community and visited the Don Bosco Workshops where he met the members of the Management Team and participated in the first Institutional Day of the year. Subsequently, the Regional Councillor also met with the Parish Pastoral Council of the parish dedicated to St John Bosco.

Fr Romero is currently continuing his Extraordinary Visitation with stops at the Salesian houses in the Provinces of Neuquén and Río Negro.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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