India – The Salesian Institute at Angadikadavu hosts a seminar to learn about the changes made by the New Education Policy

21 February 2024

Angadikadavu, India – February 2024 – In anticipation of the changes that the New Education Policy (NEP) will bring to the Indian education system, Don Bosco College in Angadikadavu hosted a seminar on 17 February entitled "Four-Year Graduate Program: Guidelines for Implementation", organised by the General Coordination of Salesian Higher Education in India (DBEHI). The seminar was attended by over two hundred teachers, representing five higher educational institutions in the Salesian Province of Bangalore, India, with the primary objective of providing educators and teachers with ideas and strategies for an effective implementation of the NEP. The event was also attended by numerous personalities from the Salesian world, including Fr Bastin Nellissery, Director and Head of the Journalism Department of at Don Bosco College, Angadikadavu; Fr Joy Ullattil, Provincial Delegate for Higher Education and Fr Francis Karackatt, Dean of the Institute. The keynote speaker was Dr Shafeeque V, a distinguished researcher for the implementation of higher education reforms in the State of Kerala, who provided valuable insights into teaching, learning and assessment pathways and methodologies adapted to the new academic framework.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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