Italy - World Formation Council to verify the progress of the Sector from the last General Chapter to today

09 February 2024

Genzano di Roma, Italy - February 2024 - From 7 to 10 February, the World Formation Council, convened by Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation, is held in Genzano di Roma to verify the progress of the Sector since the last General Chapter to date. The seven Regional Formation Coordinators and the heads of the Regional Centres for Ongoing Formation, present in Nairobi (Kenya), Quito (Ecuador) and Bangalore (India), are taking part. The participants are discussing the six-year planning of the Rector Major and his Council following the 28th General Chapter, the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence to initial and ongoing formation paths, and the verification of the processes initiated by the Sector in this sexennium. The presence of Fr Stefano Martoglio, Vicar of the Rector Major, made it possible to reflect on the causes of confreres leaving from the Congregation, in order to encourage suitable paths to guard one's vocation every day. The dialogue with a group of young Salesians from the "Zeffirino Namuncurá" community in Rome UPS favoured an interpretation of the Congregation's journey from their young experience. The summary of the work will be a contribution to the report on the state of the Congregation that will be presented at GC29.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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