Sierra Leone – ‘Do I see Christ in the children and young people whom I meet today?’

(ANS – Lungi) – Lo Po Tak Anthony is a Chinese Salesian born in Hong Kong who arrived one year ago in the English speaking province of Western Africa (AFW). He spent 6 months in Ghana and since last April he has been continuing his practical training in Sierra Leone. “I am assigned to visit 5 different outstation schools, so I have to go to a different school every day for my apostolate. There are no Salesians working there, and my mission is to build up the Salesian Spirit in those schools, and by using different activities to make the students enjoy their time in school. I am going to use music, creative arts, physical education, games and Chinese Kung Fu to let them experience the other aspects of learning” he said. 

The most important thing is to bring the students closer to God, and let them be immersed in the joy and love of God. At the same time, I also help the teachers to understand more about Don Bosco’s Preventive System, showing them how to use loving kindness to be a good friend with the students, and that there is no need to use punishments to get the students to behave well.

Every school has its own policy and settings, so it is a big challenge for me to make a plan for the different schools, I try to talk to the principals and teachers in order to understand more about the schools and our students, so that I can make a good plan to fit their situations and conditions. It is full of difficulties and challenges but I am happy to face them. I am not afraid in the presence of God who helps and protects me. The only thing I can do is entrust all of my works and students to God, I try my best to fulfill what I can do, and God will do the rest for me. The more difficulties and challenges there are, the more blessings I receive from God.

And I am always asking myself, ‘Do I see Christ in the children and young people whom I meet today?’ In my reflections and prayers, I realize He is always sending His blessings and sharing His Love with me through those children and young people. I am really blessed and loved by Him. 


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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