Croatia – Salesians of Croatia celebrate Province Day

26 January 2024

Zagreb, Croatia – January 2024 - The Salesians of the St John Bosco Province of Zagreb-Croatia (CRO) celebrated Province Day on the feast of St Francis de Sales (24 January).  About sixty Salesians from the various communities from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Germany gathered for the occasion. The event began with Terce, which was followed by the greeting of the Provincial, Fr Tihomir Šutalo, and the presentation of the program. Fr Tomislav Lukač presented the Rector Major's Strenna 2024, published these days in Croatian, indicating the main points. Fr Pejo Orkić briefly presented the Croatian edition of the document "The parish and the shrine entrusted to the Salesians". Fr Mladen Delić, CRO Vice-Provincial, recalled two Salesians who will celebrate their 50th priestly ordination this year and the renewed web page of the CRO Province was presented:  Fr Šutalo then highlighted the most significant points of the province's life in 2023 and the most important ones to come in 2024. During the Eucharistic celebration twelve aspirants entered the Salesian prenovitiate. In his brief homily, Fr Šutalo encouraged these young people, as well as all the Salesians present, to be true shepherds in the modern world, following the example of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ and to have a good and gentle heart following the example of Saint Francis de Sales.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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