Argentina – Preparatory meeting for Perpetual Profession in America South Cone Region 2024

11 January 2024

Junín de Los Andes, Argentina – January 2024 - 14 young Salesians from the America South Cone Region have come together at the Ceferino Namuncurá House in Junín de Los Andes in preparation for their Perpetual Profession. They belong to the Provinces of Brazil (BRE: 3, BSP: 2, BPA: 1, BMA: 2, BCG: 1), Paraguay (1), Chile (1), Ecuador (2) and Argentina (1). They are accompanied by the formation team made up of Fr Vicente Tirabasso (ARS), Fr Paulo Profilo (BSP) and Fr Félix Levín (CIL). In this meeting the young Salesians explore their own vocational history, discernment and motivations to strengthen their option to follow Christ in the style of Don Bosco. As part of this dynamic there are moments of prayer, fraternity and sharing based on the Constitutions, the Criteria and Norms, the Ritual of Profession and subjects related to religious life, but with an experiential methodology aimed at moving towards full humanisation and an integrated religious life. Junín de los Andes is a city in Argentine Patagonia that presents beautiful landscapes where you can contemplate the Andean chain and, in a Salesian way, you can find the fruits of Salesian youthful holiness, through the history of young Blesseds Ceferino Namuncurá and Laura Vicuña.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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