Peru – Computers and musical instruments for the Salesian centre in Huancayo

10 January 2024

(ANS – Huancayo) – The Salesians have been in Huancayo, a city in Peru that is located in the area of the Andes mountain range, at an altitude of 3,200m, for more than 100 years. Here they have carried out numerous education and formation projects aimed at the most disadvantaged young people, to promote the Salesian ideals of being good Christians and upright citizens among Peruvian young people.

One of the cornerstones of the mission is the youth centre, which at the beginning was simply a courtyard where to meet and share moments of joy, formation and prayer, and which instead over the years has been expanded, and new buildings have been built around it, to offer a better welcome and new educational services.

Today the courtyard and work are frequented by young people of different ages, from 13 to 30 years old, with different levels of education: many of them come from families with very few financial resources and with complex family problems, and for them the centre is the second, if not sometimes almost the first, home: it is in fact the place where they can study, read, use the computer, play, attend singing, music and theatre workshops.

However, in order to continue to provide adequate answers to the needs of young Peruvians, this beautiful missionary work needs to keep up with the times.

"A new colourful room with more tools would be a dream", was the idea that came to the ears of a Salesian who was active in Huancayo some time ago. He spoke with Juana, who did not yet know that the Salesians were already thinking of giving new life to the centre, to make it even more functional.

The Salesians have thus planned to renovate the rooms at the Centre: "We think it is necessary to equip it to the best, to be able to guarantee all the services to the less fortunate young people and, why not, to have a large multipurpose room, welcoming and beautiful to look at!"

With the support of the Salesian Mission Office in Turin, "Missioni Don Bosco", they intend to furnish the new room to have a comfortable and safe space; buy new computers for young university students and promote youth group activities; buy different musical instruments – a drum set, a keyboard, a guitar and a bass – for music workshops; provide the support of a music teacher to encourage young people to start artistic and musical training courses; and also obtain an audio system with speakers, consoles and microphones, both for training courses and for catechetical days, retreats, recreational moments and musical entertainment.

The project of the Salesians in Huancayo aims to guarantee education and formation through a targeted and concrete initiative, in pure Salesian style, and thus offer the young people of Huancayo the opportunity to grow and develop their passions.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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