India – The second session of the Provincial Chapter for India-Panjim Province

09 January 2024

Panjim, India – January 2024 – The second session of the 7th Provincial Chapter of the Salesian India-Panjim (INP) Province was held from 4 to 6 January, opened by Fr Clive Telles, INP Provincial, in the presence of 37 Chapter members. The opening of the Provincial Chapter took place in the church of Saint Francis Xavier, near Mount Don Bosco, while the Eucharist and the subsequent discussions took place in the Don Bosco high school in Tuem. Fr Telles urged the Chapter members to focus on the theme "Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people", inviting them to focus their lives on Jesus and recalling the privilege of working alongside young people. The Provincial then hoped that the Provincial Chapter would bring a spiritual renewal to the Province. This second session was also an opportunity to discuss the studies undertaken by the five Commissions of the 2024 Provincial Chapter. In particular, the Moderator, Fr Banzelao Teixeira, invited the First Commission, chaired by Fr Ian Figueiredo, to present its conclusions on the theme "Animating and accompanying every consecrated Salesian". Starting from this report, there was a moment of sharing and discussion.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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