The meeting, which took place in an atmosphere of great fraternity, began with the traditional group photo of all the councillors and other participants in the meeting. The initial greeting was reserved for the Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, who in a paternalistic tone shared his most significant moments in 2023, recalling the death of his beloved mother and his surprise at the unexpected announcement of his appointment as a cardinal by Pope Francis, the latter event which entailed significant changes in the Congregation's planned calendar and also marked the inevitable conclusion of his term as Rector Major, subordinate to this new service in the Vatican.
After Fr Ángel's greetings, the floor was passed to the Moderator of the 29th General Chapter, Fr Alphonse Owoudou, Regional Councillor for Africa- Madagascar, who gave information and news on the next steps of the Chapter in preparation, offering indications on the theme, logo, approach and articulation of the process. The approximately 240 participants will be convened in Turin, at the heart of the Salesian charism. Fr Alphonse also announced that the Rector Major Emeritus, Fr Pascual Chavez, will lead the Spiritual Retreat introducing the Chapter, and that Fr Mauro Giuseppe Lepori, Abbot General of the Cistercian Order, will lead the discernment of the Capitulars in view of the election of the new General Council.
Afterwards, the Mother General, Sr Chiara Cazzuola, gave a short message to those present, and expressed her thanks for the fraternal sharing and assured of the accompaniment with prayers for the successful completion of each stage in preparation for the 29th General Chapter.
This was followed by an intense spiritual moment in the chapel in the rooms of Don Bosco, in the Casa Don Bosco museum, where everyone participated in the Holy Mass presided over by Rector Major Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime. During his homily, he commented on the day's readings, exhorting those present, to follow the example of Anne, the mother of Samuel and Mary, the mother of Jesus, to "offer all that we are to the Lord, with our poverty and with a free heart, with the will to draw closer to Him each day". During the Mass, Fr Juan Carlos Pèrez Godoy, Councillor for the Mediterranean Region, sang the song "Soñador" prepared for the bicentenary of the dream of Don Bosco which aroused intense emotion. It was really inspiring to witness the atmosphere of joy and spirituality to which all the councillors gave life with songs and prayers to the Lord.
The evening ended with a fraternal dinner and an exchange of gifts. It was a much appreciated gesture that Mother General Sr Chiara and her council travelled from Rome to Turin to attend this meeting. The sisters returned to Rome the morning after the meeting.