El Salvador - Sr. Amarilis Noemí Orozco Vásquez re-elected Superior General of the Daughters of the Divine Saviour

15 December 2023

Santo Domingo, El Salvador - December 2023 - The Daughters of the Divine Saviour (Hijas del Divino Salvador - HDS), 13th group of the Salesian Family, have celebrated their 9th General Chapter. The assembly, held at the mother house in Santo Domingo, San Vicente, was attended by 49 Sisters from all presences, who re-elected Sr. Amarilis Noemí Orozco Vásquez, Superior General for another six years. The expected outcome of this Chapter for the HDS congregation is to complete the development of the six-year project "that renews us at the level of formation, interior doctrine, catechesis of the Daughters of the Divine Saviour and at the level of the media, which are the new courtyards of evangelisation" for which the motto of the Chapter was: "Called to be announcers of the Kingdom of God in today's world". The HDS are currently in ten countries, with 28 communities, and for the future they have invitations for presences in Peru, Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea in Africa.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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