On the occasion of this presentation event, the Provincial commented that the proposal of the Pastoral Theme came from the discernment that involved the Provincial Council, and from reflection with the provincial animation teams, with the aim of having a theme that inspires, guides and gives unity to the animation of the entire Province, starting from the Strenna of the Rector Major.
"The motto takes up the reference to Don Bosco the dreamer, but then we are this Don Bosco the dreamer today: to continue to dream in our Ecuadorian context, to continue to dream as Salesians, but also to encourage young people not to lose their dreams. We want this motto to inspire our ordinary life, to inspire pastoral animation in homes, to inspire the work of the communities themselves", Fr Marcelo concluded.
In relation to the Pastoral Theme, the web page was also presented in which all the formation and communication resources that will be generated during the year will be hosted, so that they can be shared in the different ECU animation services.
Subsequently, Tatiana Capelo, Provincial Delegate for Social Communication, then presented the new institutional web portal, recalling that the objective of this institutional channel is to be a bridge that connects the Salesian presence with today's digital dynamics. She also stressed that the site will be powered and built with the participation of all, and will serve to communicate the mission carried out on behalf of children and young people.
For his part, Fr Orozco stressed that the Rector Major's invitation to the entire Congregation to commemorate the anniversary of Don Bosco's Dream at Nine Years of Age must be an invitation for each person to identify their own daily path of pastoral and charismatic renewal. "There is a moment when hers the Lord say: ‘not with blows’; this has become the methodological and didactic strategy of our educational proposal... In the midst of such a conflict-ridden society, the ‘not with blows’ becomes an option not only of educational strategy, but also of life and spirituality."
The event was animated by the young people from the postnovitiate community, who participated in the process and accompanied the live broconductadcast of the event with some songs.