Colombia – The meeting of the Provincial Economers from the Interamerica and America South Cone Regions comes to an end

27 November 2023

(ANS – Bogotá) – On Saturday, 25 November, the final acts of the meeting of the Provincial Economies of the Inter-American and South American Cone Regions took place. The meeting has been held in Colombia since 21 November. On the final day, after leaving the house at Fusagasuga, the participants visited the Shrine of the Divine Child of Bogotá where the final Eucharist was held, celebrated by Fr John Jairo Gómez Rua, Superior of the Province of Colombia-Bogotá (COB), in the presence of a thousand faithful.

During the homily the Provincial underlined the importance of this meeting and addressed his thanks to the General Economer of the Salesian Congregation, Salesian Brother Jean Paul Muller and his entire team, for coordinating this significant event.

In the three previous days in which the work took place, many topics were touched upon, including: the economic situation of each Province; the theme of poverty, property and assets within the Congregation; reflection on the drafting and review of the report; the assessment of risks and financial assets; the role of lay personnel within the Provinces; the accompaniment of local communities, reflections on the Mensuram Bonam document; actions to be taken in the future to strengthen dialogue with young people; action and planning through the role of the Planning and Development Offices (PDOs) and, finally, the Economer General's Office website.

In the last session, the Economer General’s team asked the participants to carry out a group work highlighting the salient issues of the meeting that had just taken place; the challenges for the future and the suggestions in view of organising the next meeting of the Interamerica and American South Cone Regions, to be held in 2026; and, finally, the topics that could be discussed at General Chapter 29.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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