Spain – Towards the 10th Salesian Day of Communication: registration open until 1 December

22 November 2023

(ANS – Madrid) – The 10th Salesian Day of Communication, promoted by the Salesians of Don Bosco in Spain, will take place at the Provincial House in Madrid from 29 February to 1 March 2024. In this special edition, the National Communication Delegation has chosen to address the theme of Artificial Intelligence "Starting from the keys and challenges for this new frontier".

The conference is aimed at local delegates and those responsible for communication in Salesian places, the first recipients of the initiative; but, as in previous years, it is also open to rectors, pastoral coordinators, heads of youth centres or parishes, or any person from the different Salesian groups and environments with a sensitivity for communication.

In this way, the meeting will bring together delegates and those responsible for the communication in Salesian presences and groups to discuss fundamental issues for the present and future of communication, and to work together to develop projects to improve Salesian communication.

The two-day formation and discussion programme includes several high-level conferences and workshops. It  will begin in the morning of Thursday, 29 February with the welcome and presentation of the Day by the National Delegate for Social Communication of the Salesians in Spain, Fr Javier Valiente, who will later also give the first report, entitled: "From collective intelligence to Artificial Intelligence. The Salesian vision: education, communication and young people".

The morning will be followed by an address from Prof. Charo Fernández Aguirre, from the Spanish Escuelas Catolicas Federation on "Landing in the world of AI".

In the afternoon, two successive series of workshops are scheduled, held by experts in their respective sectors in the style of "TED talks", aimed at providing participants with useful information on how to use AI tools for communication, creativity and education.

On the morning of Friday, 1 March however, the work will resume with the presentation by Idoia Salazar, an AI and big data expert, on some legal and ethical aspects when dealing with AI. Finally, there will be time for group work, sharing and discussion on what was heard and experienced at the Day.

To participate, you must confirm your presence by 1 December at 12:00 (UTC+2), using the following form: 

For the dissemination of the initiative, the Salesians in Spain have created the website – which will be regularly updated with all relevant information.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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