Gambia – The presence of the Rector Major encourages the small but lively Salesian presence

20 November 2023

(ANS - Kunkujang) – The visit of Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, to Our Lady of Peace Province of North West Africa (AON) continued on Friday 17 and Saturday 18 November 2023 with the second stage planned in the program: getting to know and animating the small Salesian presence in the Gambia, just one started in Kunkujang in 2018, and dedicated to the Venerable Simon Srugi.

The Rector Major arrived in the country on the evening of Thursday 16th, landing in Banjul, the capital of the country. From the outset he was able to experience the affection of the local population – a constant during his two days spent in The Gambia – being warmly welcomed by the young people who attend the Salesian work, by the Salesians in Kunkujang, and above all by Bishop Gabriel Mendy, Bishop of Banjul, whose diocese includes the entire territory of The Gambia.

The whole following day was similarly filled with emotion: already in the morning the Rector Major received a warm welcome from the hundreds of young people who had gathered at the Salesian house to express their joy at his presence among them. For his part, Fr Á.F. Artime reciprocated the affection received with his closeness to them and his words, both at the celebration of the Eucharist, and the subsequent meeting with the students and teaching staff of the Salesian school – an occasion on which Cardinal Fernández Artime spoke face to face with those present on some issues of common interest and was also available to answer all their questions. And at the end of the event, the Rector Major expressed his great joy, not only for having been able to get to know the pioneering Salesian presence in this part of AON Province, but above all for having shared unique moments together with many children, young people and young adults.

In the afternoon, the 10th Successor of Don Bosco continued his activities by going to the nearby town of Yuna, where he blessed a small educational centre, and then went to Serrekunda, where, at the Gambia Pastoral Institute he met Bishop Mendy once more and the clergy and religious in The Gambia, for a meeting in which the pastoral priorities of the Salesian Congregation and the needs and prospects of the local Church were shared – all in a fraternal and community exchange between consecrated persons committed to carrying out evangelisation and social development in the country.

The conversation between Cardinal Fernández Artime and Bishop Mendy then continued further during dinner, the last commitment of the first day of the Rector Major's visit to The Gambia.

The second day, Saturday 18th, also included other important appointments: in the morning the cardinal met with animators and supporters of Don Bosco and his mission, to involve them more and more in the Salesian mission and motivate them in their commitment. Then he proceeded to bless the Don Bosco Garden, an educational farm under construction at the Kunkujang Mariama house. The climax of the day was reached with the community celebration of the Eucharist, followed by a further moment of shared spirituality, consisting of a procession to the Marian Grotto.

 The visit of the Rector Major to The Gambia closed with lunch together with the Salesian community – it was the first time for a Rector Major in this West African country. In the afternoon, Fr Á.F. Artime was escorted to the airport from which he returned to Senegal for the last part of his animation visit to AON Province.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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