Peru - Opening of the first interactive photo exhibition in the history of the Salesians in Peru

14 November 2023

Lima, Peru - November 2023 - On the evening of 10 November, the hall of the Municipal Palace of Magdalena del Mar was the scene of the opening of the commemorative photographic exhibition "Church, courtyard and sea: 100 years of the Salesian parish of Magdalena del Mar". The exhibition was organised by the Salesian Historical Archive of Peru, the Municipality of Magdalena del Mar, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. It is an innovative initiative, as it is the first interactive photographic exhibition in the history of the Work of Don Bosco in Peru. The presentation of the photographic exhibition was entrusted to the curator, Maestro David Franco Córdova, Historian of the Salesian Congregation and Director of the Historical Archive. After the address by Fr José Zegarra Pinto, parish priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish, Councillor Johan Chávez Sifuentes representing the district mayor, Dr Francis Allison Oyague, declared the exhibition open. The exhibition consists of 100 photographs, most of them previously unpublished, which can be viewed in "Church, Courtyard and Sea: 100 Years of the Salesian Parish of Magdalena del Mar". The number of photographs is an obvious allusion to the centenary commemoration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Magdalena del Mar, erected on 24 April 1923. Ten of these photographs were selected and will be exhibited in hard copy in the hall of the Municipal Palace until 30 November. Each of these has its own description and, a very important detail, a QR code that allows visitors to access an explanatory video of these images. The virtual interactive exhibition, on the other hand, is permanent.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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