Ecuador - First edition of "BOSCOCAMP" for 34 young communicators from Salesian Houses

26 October 2023

Cumbayá Ecuador - October 2023 - The Salesian Office for Communication of the Salesian Province of Ecuador (ECU) organized the first edition of the "BOSCOCAMP" on the theme "Communicating dreams". The event brought together 34 young communicators from different Salesian presences in the country. They had three days of training to impel them to live communication from the Salesian charismatic dimension, as witnesses and disseminators of the 'good news' in each of their respective environments. The event was supported by a group of lecturers and students from the Communication Department of the Salesian Polytechnic University, Quito campus, who set up video, radio and photography workshops so that the young people could acquire knowledge and practical skills. On the last day, Fr Marcelo Farfán, Provincial - ECU, presided over the Eucharist. The "BOSCOCAMP" concluded with a workshop on listening and discussions on various proposals from the young people in the field of Salesian communication. It was led by Soledad Soto, head of Communications of the Salesian Social America Network (RASS). The meeting was attended by Fr Diego Rodríguez (Delegate for Vocational Animation & Salesian Youth Movement and Volunteering), Fr Juan Flores (Vice Provincial of ECU), Tatiana Capelo (Delegate for Social Communication of ECU) besides the local communication coordinators and young aspirants.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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