Italy - Opening of Don Bosco Campetto in the Santa Maria della Salette Educative and Pastoral Community in Catania

13 October 2023

Catania, Italy - October 2023 - On the afternoon of 10 October, the Campetto Don Bosco was opened in the Educative and Pastoral Community of Santa Maria della Salette in Catania. The new structure will be used for the various sports activities of the oratory, increasing the space available for the young generations that attend the Salesian house on a daily basis. The Rector of the work, Fr Marcello Mazzeo, together with all the Salesians, welcomed the children, young people, adults and families for the opening ceremony for the Campetto Don Bosco. All bodies that contributed to the realisation of the project were present: the Municipality of Catania, and the main benefactors the AVSI Foundation of Milan. The support of the Salesian Province of Sicily (ISI) was invaluable in this process. The Provincial Fr Giovanni D'Andrea, together with Fr Rodolfo Di Mauro (105), founder of the Salesian house, blessed the Don Bosco Campetto, while children belonging to the Savio Club cut the ribbon.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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