Thailand – "Becoming the yeast of the Salesian Youth Movement": many young people at the SYM Hua Hin Camp

13 October 2023

Hua Hin, Thailand – October 2023 – The SYM Camp organised by the Youth Ministry Commission, Thailand, and held at the Don Bosco Youth Centre in Khao Takiep, a neighbourhood a few kilometres from Hua Hin, has recently ended. From 7 to 10 October, in fact, 90 young people from 6 different schools of the Salesian Family gathered in this edition of the SYM Camp which had as its theme: "Becoming the yeast of the Salesian Youth Movement". Fr Nopphadol Joseph, Head of the Youth Ministry Commission and Director of the Camp, welcomed the participants. Numerous activities and conferences were organised with the aim of exploring the figure of Don Bosco and the SYM, to encourage young people to be a leaven for their peers and for society, to make them aware of Laudato Si' and the initiatives to be taken on behalf of the environment and to gather the voices and opinions of young people in view of the Youth Synod 2024. The Camp ended with the Mass celebrated by Fr Anthony Boonlert Paneetatthayasai, Superior of the Province of Thailand (THA), and concelebrated by other Salesians.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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