Italy – A "Eucharist among the family". Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime's first Mass

02 October 2023

(ANS – Rome) – The Rector Major of the Salesians, now Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, celebrated his first Mass as a Cardinal in the Salesian Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rome on Sunday, October 1st.

In a church filled with the faithful, the Rector Major presided at the solemn Eucharistic celebration for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, accompanied by a long line of concelebrants: four bishops, numerous Salesian Provincials and Superiors from all over the world, the Rector Major Emeritus, Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva, as well as members of the General Council. First and foremost in the pews were the new cardinal's closest family members, representatives of many groups of the Salesian Family, ambassadors, military and civil authorities, as well as many ordinary believers and sympathisers of the Salesian work, linked in various ways to Don Bosco and Fr Ángel Fernández Artime himself.

In introducing the Eucharist, the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio, took the floor and spoke of everyone's feelings in uttering the words of greeting, an expression of true fraternity: Most Reverend Eminence Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians..." he began. "Let this greeting, which is not a formality but one of substance, rise like incense to the rafters of this church built by Don Bosco by the will of the Pope, so that Don Bosco, smiling, may look down from above on his son, his Successor, and this service that the Holy Father has asked of him."

Fr Martoglio then mentioned three things: in the first place "the astonishment, due to the action of God, which is unforeseen and unpredictable. You, Ángel, son of Ángel and Isabel, brother of Rocío, Son of Don Bosco by vocation, called to the service of the Church at a very high level of confidence and responsibility. This is a splendid sign of God's delicacy for you as a person, and in you, and for you, also for the Congregation and the Salesian Family. Our emotion, our affection is nourished by amazement at God's action."

Then the Vicar of the Rector Major stressed the term "creation as a Cardinal". “It is such a big thing that to support it we have to use a verb that we are not even used to using anymore. It is a new page of life, which the Lord asks of you through the Holy Father, which we celebrate today in joy and affection, which begins here and which will take you wherever the Lord wants. This creation asks you to renounce many things, but it fills you with the presence of God, so that in this gift and service, with your deep and authentic humanity, you can always bring the great sense of the Church, of its universality, of love for the Pope, for the poor, and of the centrality of education."

The third feeling, finally, was one of entrustment. "I dare to approach this Mass" concluded Fr Martoglio "the one that Don Bosco celebrated at this altar. And it is for entrustment: of you personally, of what you are for each of us and what you will be, for what God is in your life, and what he will ask of you. The trust that speaks of the centrality of the presence of God, which is your motto."

Following the Mass, with all the trimmings, the Rector Major then offered a thought in his homily. A homily in which he also spoke with an open heart, trusting how the appointment as cardinal was a real surprise for him, but which he welcomed with a spirit of availability and service. “God loves surprises. Usually in the Bible God says, ‘go, the way will be revealed.’ And I am convinced that this applies to everyone, consecrated persons and lay people... But Don Bosco also left us an important message, reminding us that nothing should disturb us, and we must trust in God's Providence."

Then, referring to other illustrious examples of ecclesial offices entrusted to the Salesians of Don Bosco, he recalled the episode "among the most beautiful in the life of Don Bosco" concerning the consecration of the first Salesian bishop; and with this also the prophecy of Don Bosco, when he said: "I see more and more what a glorious future is prepared for our society, the expansion it will have and the good it will be able to accomplish."

Continuing his reflection, and referring to the Second Reading of the Sunday liturgy (Phil 2: 1-11) Fr Á.F. Artime stressed the virtue of humility and the need for the shepherds to be close to the flock, assuring his listeners that "this is the most beautiful way to serve the Lord" and that his way of working also as a cardinal will maintain those same attitudes.

Finally, he reiterated how, for Salesians, obedience, fidelity, service to the Pope, are “branded on us by our founder”, and entrusted his future ministry as a cardinal to Mary Help of Christians, in the same spirit of entrustment to Her with which Don Bosco implored the Virgin Mary's assistance after the death of Mamma Margaret.

After the Eucharist, the family feast continued with a time set aside for congratulations, photos and embraces from many faithful and friends for the new Cardinal; and the day ended with a moment of fraternal agape.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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