Ecuador - Salesian Project Ecuador North Zone delivers 437 school kits for children and adolescents

21 September 2023

Quito, Ecuador - September 2023 - On Saturday 9 September, the Salesian Project Ecuador North Zone organised an event at the Don Bosco-La Tola Educational Unit, near Quito, during which 437 school kits for boys, girls and adolescents from the Guambras Action Programme and the Mi Caleta Support and Care Programme were handed out. The event was attended by Fr Naún Tapia, Director of the Ecuadorian Salesian Project North Zone; Elisabetta Maruri, economer; Freddy Ruiz, project technician; Víctor Orquera, Director of the La Tola centre; Fr Francisco Gómez, vice-rector of Casa Don Rua community; and Karina Cruz, representative of the Guambras Action Programme Parents' Council. Fr Naún emphasised the importance of this school kit as a fundamental tool that will allow the beneficiaries of the project to continue their studies and, at the same time, advance the mission of restoring the right to education. In addition, the contribution of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS) was appreciated, for its constant support to the "favourites of Don Bosco", i.e. girls and boys among the neediest.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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