Democratic Republic of the Congo – Meeting of Economers for Salesian communities in the Eastn Delegation of the Central Africa Province (AFC-EST)

15 September 2023

Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo – September 2023 – On 13 and 14 September, nine Economers from different Salesian communities belonging to the East Delegation of the Central Africa Province (AFC-EST), took part in the first meeting of Economers for the East Delegation for the new pastoral year 2023-2024. The meeting, held at Don Bosco Ngangi, was facilitated by Fr Carlos Balezi Kabumba, SDB, Economer for the AFC-EST Delegation, assisted by Fr Pascal Bauma, Project Manager of the Planning and Development Office in the East Delegation. Over these two days, work focused on the evaluation of a budget and on the development and management of projects. The session gave participants the opportunity to review the general principles of financial management and to practise drafting financial documents. The objective was to provide the Economers with skills in the management of finances and projects for the East Delegation. 


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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