Philippines – Novices participate in a seminar and a Social Communication workshop

14 September 2023

Lawaan,Philippines – September 2023 – Nine novices from different Provinces of the East Asia-Oceania Region have participated in recent days in a two-day seminar and a Social Communication workshop, facilitated by Fr Keith Amodia, FIS Provincial Delegate of Social Communication. The days were held at the Don Bosco - Sacred Heart Novitiate in Lawaan and were an opportunity to address numerous issues, including the basics of the ministry of social communications in the Congregation, communications theology, organizational communication and personal communication. It was also an opportunity for novices to learn about the Personal and Professional Code of Conduct, social media guidelines and other documents that define what the ideal Salesian communication should be. The last part of the workshop was dedicated to the guidelines of the online presence and how to bring the Salesian identity into the digital world. This event is just one part of a series of seminars planned in the novice formation plan, so that novices are guided towards their identity following the example of St John Bosco and Jesus Christ.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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