Mongolia - Pope Francis' Apostolic Journey has concluded

04 September 2023

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia - September 2023 – Pope Francis' Apostolic Journey to Mongolia, the first by a Pontiff in this country, has come to an end. The Holy Father left at about 12 noon (06.03 in Italy) from the Chinggis Khan International Airport in Ulaanbaatar. During these days, the Holy Father had the opportunity to meet the authorities of the country in the capital Ulaanbaatar and the small local Christian community at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, as well as the local religious leaders and the workers at the "House of Mercy". In taking his leave, Pope Francis thanked Mongolia for its generous hospitality. Then, in a telegram to President Khürel Sükh Ukhnaa, he assured him of his prayers for the peace, unity and prosperity of the nation.

Foto: © Servizio Fotografico Vatican Media


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