Italy – Ukrainian Salesians and VIS NGO visit the Don Bosco 2000 communities in Sicily: a beacon of hope in the midst of war

24 August 2023

Piazza Armerina, Italy – August 2023 – In a touching and uplifting demonstration of solidarity, Fr Mykhaylo Chaban, Superior of the Salesian Mary Help of Christians Vice-Province in Greek Catholic Ukraine, and Chiara Lombardi, Director General of VIS (International Volunteering for Development), recently paid a special visit to the Don Bosco 2000 communities in Sicily. The focal point of the visit was the Ukrainian community of Don Bosco 2000, a refuge for women and children who have fled the war in their country. Don Bosco 2000 has long been an oasis of support and guidance for those in need, and the Ukrainian community was a shining example of compassion and resilience. Fr Mykhaylo Chaban's visit was greeted with great appreciation and gratitude by the women and children, separated from their husbands and fathers for more than a year and a half. His presence provided a glimmer of hope and comfort at a time of great difficulty. Fr Mykhaylo Chaban's message of unity, faith and resilience resonated deeply, offering comfort to those who faced immense challenges. Fr Chaban and Chiara Lombardi then continued their visit to the municipality of Aidone, a gesture of closeness and collaboration that was enthusiastically and warmly welcomed by the deputy mayor Alessandra Mirabella and the councillor for Social Policies Angelo Testi.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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