Ecuador – First Lay Directors of Salesian Works appointed

21 August 2023

(ANS – Quito) – Fr Marcelo Farfán, Superior of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Province of Ecuador, has installed the first four Lay Directors of Salesian Works for the three-year period 2023-2026 in the Chapel of the Provincial House, Quito, . The newly installed Directors are Eddy Apolo for the Cardenal (in Spanish) Spellman Educational Unit, Víctor Orquera for the Don Bosco La Tola Educational Unit, Helí Rueda for the Sánchez y Cifuentes Educational Unit and Daniela Ramos for the Intercultural University Residence.

The ceremony took place during the Eucharist presided over by Fr Farfán, who in the homily invited the new Lay Directors to be the first to ensure that Don Bosco is alive and present in the works. “Being a Director means not only ensuring management and administration, but also ensuring that the work is truly Salesian” he said.

"Don Bosco never worked alone, he had the ability to involve many forces from Church and civil society and his own mother for the salvation of young people" Fr Farfán said. "It is important to remember that there is no pastoral model at the Salesian level that does not take the laity into account." The Provincial then thanked the new Directors for their availability and asked God to bless this step.

Subsequently, Fr Mauricio Leime proceeded to read the minutes of the appointments and sign the documents. A significant moment was Fr Farfán's embrace of each of the Directors, as a sign of fraternity and closeness that they will have from the Salesians in this educative and pastoral work that they are about to begin.

For Eddy Apolo, this appointment is a blessing from God and, at the same time, a challenge, for the trust that the Congregation and Don Bosco himself are placing in him. "I will work so that Don Bosco is present in the work, listening to young people and parents, helping them to make decisions and to discover that everything that happens in life is an opportunity to be bearers of God's love" he said.

For her part, Daniela Ramos says that this is a responsibility that encourages her to continue her service to young people. "I am proud to be the first woman Director of a Salesian work," she explains "and I want to thank the Salesians for this openness and for delegating this responsibility to me."


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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