Oświęcim, Poland – August 2023 – On 17 August, St Hyacinth feast day, Patron Saint of Krakow Province (PLS), there was a meeting of Salesian Rectors of PLS. Fr Marcin Kaznowski, Superior of Krakow Province, was the main celebrant at the Eucharist in the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians. The jubikees of profession and priesthood of various Salesians were celebrated on this occasion, and other people tied to the Salesian Work were also honoured. A restored statue of Don Bosco was also blessed. A visit to the Auschwitz Museum was also planned for the Rectors. All this took place within a beautiful artistic, cultural and family-like context: every Friday in July and August there is a“Boskie Granie” (Playing to Don Bosco); and from 15 to 17 August the 16th "Jackowe Granie" Festival (Playing to St Hyacinth), the eleventh edition of the "Biegać jest Bosko" and a Family Game. 16 agosto was also a special day not only for Salesians at Oświęcim, but for the entire city community, as it was marked by the celebration of the feast of the Patron Saint of the City of Oświęcim, St John Bosco, on the 208th anniversary of his birth. At the end, Fr Kaznowski also said goodbye to a priest from the Province, Fr Michał Cebulski, who was leaving for a mission in Lithuania. All these events were a beautiful way of honouring 125 years of the Salesians' presence in Oświęcim.
ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.