Burundi – Formation session for members of the leadership committees from Salesian centres in the country

03 August 2023

Ngozi, Burundi – July 2023 - A formation session was held in Ngozi at the Lycée Don Bosco from 17-19 July for members of leadership committees from Burundi's centres as part of the nationwide relaunch of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM). The session was opened by Fr Joseph Kabadugaritse, Rector of the Salesian community at Lycée Don Bosco, stating that the aim of the meeting was to help revitalise pastoral activities in their apostolic environment. Fr Kabadugaritse insisted on the Salesian charismatic identity manifested through pastoral activities and the application of the Salesian educational system. He spoke about the good collaboration between leaders and local coordinators with the Rector of the work and gave some advice to leaders. Finally, he emphasised the qualities of a good youth leader, who must be a mature, social and spiritual person. Fr Augustin-César Habanabakize, Delegate for Youth Ministry in the Africa Great Lakes Vice-Province (AGL), reminded the participants of the right way to help other young people to live as good Christians and upright citizens and to be young people of faith themselves, bearing witness to Jesus in the way they live and work. Some strategies and ways of working to promote the visibility of the Salesian charism and the continuity of youth ministry activities were defined. Fr Habanabakize concluded the session by inviting all participants to be a leaven that transforms society and to make Don Bosco's charism visible through the various activities.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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